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“Human trafficking is a crime against humanity. We must unite our efforts to free victims and stop this crime that has become ever more aggressive, that threatens not just individuals, but the foundational values of society.” - Pope Francis
Oh, Saint Bakhita, help those who are trapped in slavery;
intercede on their behalf before God so that they are freed from the chains of captivity.
May God free anyone who has been enslaved by man.
Provide relief to those who survive slavery and allow them to see Him as a model of faith and hope.
Help all survivors to find healing for their wounds.
We beg you to pray and intercede for those who are enslaved among us.
Copyright (c) 2013 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), Washington, DC. All rights reserved
Loving Father,
We seek your divine protection for all who are exploited and enslaved.
For those forced into labor, trafficked into sexual slavery, and denied freedom.
We beseech you to release them from their chains.
Grant them protection, safety, and empowerment.
Restore their dignity and provide them a new beginning.
Show us how we might end exploitation by addressing its causes.
Help us reach out in support of victims and survivors of human trafficking.
Make us instruments of your spirit for their liberation.
For this we pray through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen
(From USCCB handout for World Day of Peace 2015). Year Published: 2020
Be The One from The Attorney General of Texas on Vimeo.